As Senior and Specialty Move Managers, we are here to help. You don’t know where to start, but we can help you find the answers. We’re here to make sure everything comes together… to provide peace of mind.
Leave it to us!
Our Specialties
We provide help and expertise to people who are overwhelmed with the task of downsizing or moving. By working with them, and honoring their decisions, we enable them to live life better.
We help you determine what to keep by objectively reviewing your belongings, allowing you to downsize, declutter, and donate unneeded items.
Floor Plan Design
No matter if you're moving to Quincy, IL, or across town, we can illustrate floor plan options that recreate a comfortable atmosphere, making you feel like you never left home.
Pack & Unpack
We carefully pack belongings and help people settle in to a new home, making the transition as easy as possible with greater peace of mind.
Coordinate Move
We can handle every aspect of making the move, from packing up and arranging for a moving company to getting settled comfortably into a new home.
We control the chaos in relocating and downsizing. By being orderly and efficient, we reduce stress and keep things simple.
Golden Bridges has partnered with Safe Moves for Seniors, a non-profit organization headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania dedicated to helping financially disadvantaged senior citizens downsize and move!

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